The Portable Cyberspace

A preliminary form of the ballet-photo-grammatique currently exists in case-form.  It is consists of a 25x28.5x17cm case containing everything necessary for the "practice performance."  Inside are the performance stages, as well as a revolving fixture that emits white light.  This light-carrousel can be adjusted with the use of an automatic control device.  The product is then able to be projected onto the LCD-matrix.  A video output enables the corresponding picture to be shown either on a monitor, or even emitted as a videobeam.

This design is already available for "everyday use."  Other areas of media transference, like Network and Installation are limited by time.  This moving cyberspace is however, very flexible spatially.  At anytime and location (with the use of a battery pack) a performance can be organized and received.  Despite the simple light arrangement, this portable spectacle provides a glimpse at the intricacies of the light-picture construction. 

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